SQUAD 1 - 5 (Saturday morning - Lower range, Sunday
Afternoon - Upper range)
Saturday, Lower shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 6:20-7:20
Squads 1-5 start shooting on Saturday on the Lower shooting range at 7:30
(exactly) and on Sunday on Upper Range at 13:00.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns leaving to the upper range from the meeting point at
11:30, 12:15.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 11:30, so you'll have plenty
of time to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 17:30, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 1 - 5 (Sobota Doobeda - Spodna strelnica kamenolom, Nedela
Doobeda- Horna strelnica Drapliak)
Registracia: V Sobotu - Spodna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 6:20-7:20
Squady 1-5 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Spodnej strelnici o 7:30 a v
Nedelu na Hornej strelnici o 13:00.
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu sa strelci v Nedelu zhromazdia pri vchode
do velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 11:30, 12:15.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 11:30 a mali tak
dostatok casu pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 17:30, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy a pockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
SQUAD 6 - 10 (Saturday Afternoon - Lower range, Sunday Morning -
Upper range)
Registration: Saturday , Lower shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 12:00-12:50
Squads 6-10 start shooting on Saturday on the Lower shooting range at
13:00 and on Sunday on Upper Range at 7:30
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns left to the upper range from the meeting point
at 6:10, and 6:30.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 6:10, so you'll have plenty of
time to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 12:00, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 6 - 10 (Sobota Poobede - Spodna strelnica kamenolom,
Nedela Doobeda- Horna strelnica Drapliak)
Registracia: V Sobotu - Spodna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 12:00-12:50
Squady 6-10 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Spodnej strelnici o 13:00 a v
Nedelu na Hornej strelnici o 7:30.
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu sa strelci v Nedelu zhromazdia pri vchode
do velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 6:10, 6:30.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 6:10 a mali tak
dostatok casu pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 12:00, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy apockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
SQUAD 11 - 15 (Saturday Morning - Upper Range, Sunday Afternoon - Lower range)
Registration: Saturday, Upper shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 6:20-7:20
Squads 11-15 start shooting on Saturday Morning on the Upper range at
7:30 and on Sunday Afternoon on Lover Range at 13:00.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns leaving the upper range from the meeting point at 6:10
and 6:30.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 6:10, so you'll have plenty of
time for registration and to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 12:00, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 11 - 15 (Sobota Doobeda - Horna strelnica Drapliak, Nedela
Poobede - Dolna strelnica maly kamenolom)
Registracia: Sobota, Horna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 6:20-7:20
Squady 11-15 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Hornej strelnici o 7:30 a v
Nedelu na Spodnej strelnici o 13:00
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu, sa strelci zhromazdia pri vchode do
velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 06:10, 06:30.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 6:10 a mali tak
dostatok casu absolvovat registraciu a pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 12:00, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosi
SQUAD 16- 20 (Saturday Afternoon - Upper Range, Sunday Morning -
Lower range)
Registration: Saturday, Upper shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 12:00-12:50
Squads 16-20 start shooting on Saturday Afternoon on Upper range at
13:00 and on Sunday Morning on Lover Range at 7:30.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles). There will
be two columns leaving to the upper range from the meeting point at
11:30, 12:15.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 11:30, so you'll have plenty
of time for registration and to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 17:30, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least of 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 16 - 20 (Sobota Poobede - Horna strelnica Drapliak, Nedela
Doobeda - Dolna strelnica maly kamenolom)
Registracia: Sobota, Horna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case
Squady 16-20 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Hornej strelnici o 13:00 a v
Nedelu na Spodnej strelnici o 7:30
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu, sa strelci zhromazdia pri vchode do
velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 11:30, 12:15.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 11:30 a mali tak
dostatok casu absolvovat registraciu a pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 17:30, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy apockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
Odovzdavanie cien vitazom a tombola budu v Nedelu na spodnej
strelnici v predpokladanom case 18:00
SPEED TICKETS BEWARE !!! - max 2 speed shooters are allowed to
attend the briefing at the same time, speeds quads are not allowed to
shoot together as a squad of 3 or 4 people.
SPONSORS: Sponsors in prematch starts on Friday on Lower Range at
8:15, with Registration between 7:10 - 7:55 a.m.
Registration for the main match will be also possible on Friday morning
(9:00 - 11:00) on the Lower range.
The lower range is accessible by car at any time during the match or
Upper range - you have to wait at the meeting point or at the lower range
for a White Land Rover Defender with the logo of RDA- Raid and Defend
Academy to escort you to the Upper range ( that might not happen during the prematch.)
Looking forward to seeing you on the Range,
Dusan Kubica (Match Director) & Jan Bertoli (Match Manager)
SQUAD 1 - 5 (Saturday morning - Lower range, Sunday
Afternoon - Upper range)
Saturday, Lower shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 6:20-7:20
Squads 1-5 start shooting on Saturday on the Lower shooting range at 7:30
(exactly) and on Sunday on Upper Range at 13:00.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns leaving to the upper range from the meeting point at
11:30, 12:15.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 11:30, so you'll have plenty
of time to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 17:30, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 1 - 5 (Sobota Doobeda - Spodna strelnica kamenolom, Nedela
Doobeda- Horna strelnica Drapliak)
Registracia: V Sobotu - Spodna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 6:20-7:20
Squady 1-5 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Spodnej strelnici o 7:30 a v
Nedelu na Hornej strelnici o 13:00.
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu sa strelci v Nedelu zhromazdia pri vchode
do velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 11:30, 12:15.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 11:30 a mali tak
dostatok casu pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 17:30, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy a pockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
SQUAD 6 - 10 (Saturday Afternoon - Lower range, Sunday Morning -
Upper range)
Registration: Saturday , Lower shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 12:00-12:50
Squads 6-10 start shooting on Saturday on the Lower shooting range at
13:00 and on Sunday on Upper Range at 7:30
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns left to the upper range from the meeting point
at 6:10, and 6:30.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 6:10, so you'll have plenty of
time to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 12:00, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 6 - 10 (Sobota Poobede - Spodna strelnica kamenolom,
Nedela Doobeda- Horna strelnica Drapliak)
Registracia: V Sobotu - Spodna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 12:00-12:50
Squady 6-10 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Spodnej strelnici o 13:00 a v
Nedelu na Hornej strelnici o 7:30.
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu sa strelci v Nedelu zhromazdia pri vchode
do velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 6:10, 6:30.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 6:10 a mali tak
dostatok casu pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 12:00, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy apockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
SQUAD 11 - 15 (Saturday Morning - Upper Range, Sunday Afternoon - Lower range)
Registration: Saturday, Upper shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 6:20-7:20
Squads 11-15 start shooting on Saturday Morning on the Upper range at
7:30 and on Sunday Afternoon on Lover Range at 13:00.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles).
There will be two columns leaving the upper range from the meeting point at 6:10
and 6:30.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 6:10, so you'll have plenty of
time for registration and to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 12:00, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 11 - 15 (Sobota Doobeda - Horna strelnica Drapliak, Nedela
Poobede - Dolna strelnica maly kamenolom)
Registracia: Sobota, Horna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case 6:20-7:20
Squady 11-15 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Hornej strelnici o 7:30 a v
Nedelu na Spodnej strelnici o 13:00
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu, sa strelci zhromazdia pri vchode do
velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 06:10, 06:30.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 6:10 a mali tak
dostatok casu absolvovat registraciu a pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 12:00, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosi
SQUAD 16- 20 (Saturday Afternoon - Upper Range, Sunday Morning -
Lower range)
Registration: Saturday, Upper shooting range (48.728733, 17.800048) at 12:00-12:50
Squads 16-20 start shooting on Saturday Afternoon on Upper range at
13:00 and on Sunday Morning on Lover Range at 7:30.
For an Upper range, there is a meeting point at the entrance to the
Quarry (48.726061, 17.796611). Our staff on land Rovers will escort you
through the quarry (the road is accessible for all kinds of vehicles). There will
be two columns leaving to the upper range from the meeting point at
11:30, 12:15.
We strongly recommend you, to be there at 11:30, so you'll have plenty
of time for registration and to prepare yourselves before the shooting.
According to the Timeplan, our staff will start to escort you through the
quarry back to the main road around 17:30, but it will depend on the
fluency of the match. Collums leaving the Shooting range must consist of
at least of 6 vehicles.
SQUAD 16 - 20 (Sobota Poobede - Horna strelnica Drapliak, Nedela
Doobeda - Dolna strelnica maly kamenolom)
Registracia: Sobota, Horna strelnica (48.728733, 17.800048) v case
Squady 16-20 zacinaju strielat v Sobotu na Hornej strelnici o 13:00 a v
Nedelu na Spodnej strelnici o 7:30
Pre cestu na hornu strelnicu, sa strelci zhromazdia pri vchode do
velkeho kamenolomu (48.726061, 17.796611 - nemylit si to s malym
kamenolomom - strelnica) a pred rampou pockaju na Land Rovery s
oznacenim RDA, ktore Vas prevedu cez kamenolom na hornu strelnicu.
Kolony budu odchadzat od rampy v casoch 11:30, 12:15.
Odporucame Vam, aby ste nezmeskali prvu kolonu o 11:30 a mali tak
dostatok casu absolvovat registraciu a pripravit sa na samotne strielanie.
Po dostrielani Vas budu Defendery RDA sprevadzat v kolonach pri
odchode zo strelnice, podla casoveho planu by prva kolona mohla odist
z hornej strelnice okolo 17:30, tento cas je len orientacny. kazda kolona
musi obsahovat minimalne 6 aut, preto budte prosim trpezlivy apockajte
na kolegov, ktory este strielaju.
Odovzdavanie cien vitazom a tombola budu v Nedelu na spodnej
strelnici v predpokladanom case 18:00
SPEED TICKETS BEWARE !!! - max 2 speed shooters are allowed to
attend the briefing at the same time, speeds quads are not allowed to
shoot together as a squad of 3 or 4 people.
SPONSORS: Sponsors in prematch starts on Friday on Lower Range at
8:15, with Registration between 7:10 - 7:55 a.m.
Registration for the main match will be also possible on Friday morning
(9:00 - 11:00) on the Lower range.
The lower range is accessible by car at any time during the match or
Upper range - you have to wait at the meeting point or at the lower range
for a White Land Rover Defender with the logo of RDA- Raid and Defend
Academy to escort you to the Upper range ( that might not happen during the prematch.)
Looking forward to seeing you on the Range,
Dusan Kubica (Match Director) & Jan Bertoli (Match Manager)